Affiliate Links = Paid Links => Penalties?

There’s an interesting article today on SEOmoz about paid links…

It’s interesting to think of this issue within an adult context. Our affiliate links are “paid links” which means if we don’t use nofollow on them, we’ll get penalized, and now it looks like Google is penalizing the site receiving the link as well.

The affiliate sites themselves can use nofollow or put them through an outbound link script that’s blocked by robots.txt, but I don’t know what the paysite is supposed to do to avoid the penalty… Exclude the affiliate URLs with robots.txt? But what if the affiliate code is just added to the end of the URL like it is with hosted blogs?

When I started the thread on the use of nofollow Basschick’s view that nofollow as a problem because they wanted their link trades to pass link juice is probably typical of a lot of webmasters. Yet, as the article points out yet again - there’s a good chance you won’t pass any link juice to anyone if you don’t use nofollow (or run it through a script blocked by robots.txt - like does).

I’ve tried to keep my site pretty clean in relation to this stuff, but I really wish Google would give some sort of indication (say in Webmaster Tools) that penalties are in place so we can tighten things up as necessary.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Re: Affiliate Links = Paid Links => Penalties?

Certainly is interesting, and I do agree, that it would be nice for G to tell us about the penalties and ways of correcting it, as many use affiliate codes in mainstream.

Do you have an example of your ‘exclude’ for the robots.txt?

Re: Affiliate Links = Paid Links => Penalties?

Just to take an example from Gay Demon… This is a typical link to a site…

But if you look in the robots.txt file for Gay Demon you see the following line:

Disallow: /cgi-bin/

That means spiders aren’t allowed to crawl any URLs that are in the cgi-bin directory. So, from a spider’s perspective there are no outbound links from Gay Demon to other sites - at least not for directory listings.

Gay Demon makes an exception for “Editor’s Picks”. If you take a look at this page…

You’ll see that there are links to the site that do not go through the cgi-bin directory. This is exactly how outbound links are supposed to work - they’re not supposed to be automated or make money for you… They’re supposed to be “organic” and “editorial”.

There’s a reason why Bjorn’s has stayed at the top of his game… :smiley: