I’m thinking to use Flowplayer HTML5, and remove the flash files in all my sites, I make a test and work fine on Explorer, Firefox and Chrome and also in my iPad and in my Samsung Galaxy 3 with Android. I test using a H.264 mp4 file, work very good in my all devices.
You think that someone may have trouble viewing the videos?
I’ve tested it on as many different devices as I can but not found any problems yet. You just have to be careful with what files you present and what order they are listed inside the <video> tag. I just couldn’t get JW player to work on Android no matter what I did and with Flowplayer it seems to work very well.
To make sure it works on different devices, you could test your pages here: http://crossbrowsertesting.com (they charge a membership though)
IE 9 and I think 10 will only really work with video tags if you’re using H 264 (and there was some toolkit thing they used to have for it to work right at least in IE 9). Unfortunately H 264 / x264 support is slipping in Chrome and Firefox. Usually the h264 videos I test in Chrome play a few seconds before erroring out, so I use webm and h 264 both and let JW Player sort it out.
As an aside, Chrome+Android ICS plays fine for me, not so much with Skyfire. I don’t think you’re going to have lots of luck with Android on under 1 ghz processor or Android < 2.3.
Sounds like a good plan, however you’d be wise to take a good look at your stats and see what browsers your visitors and traffic sources are using before removing all your flash files. Though it seems like a safe bet, I’m not certain it would be completely compatible to all your viewers, I could be totally wrong on that but certainly your error logs will be the true test.
I’m going to look towards flow player myself, I’m seeing it show up in more place and like gaydemon said, trying to get the jwplayer to work consistently tends to end up being and issue.
That’s exactly what flowplayer does as well. I tried JW Player 6 and support for Android is very patchy and they have no intention of fixing it (blamed it on Android and hardware manufacturers). Android might work fine on JW Player as long as you don’t stream any videos, but if you’re not streaming you’re giving users a bad experience.
The problem with JW Player and Android is when you provide a choice of files, in my case I first offer a mp4 file streaming with RTMP, then a HLS stream for Ipad / Iphone and as last option a static mp4 file. JW Player can’t handle RTMP on Androids and fails, but on Flowplayer it works perfectly. Problem is JW player doesn’t degrade gracefully, it fails on Android but instead of falling back to a static mp4 file it just gives an error.