I recommend Blogs Organizer http://www.cheapestwebsoftware.com/. I think several on here use it. But they also have other products that have come out since then that look promising as well. You might want to look at the Blogs Automater script as well from the same company.
I can’t recommend Blogs Organizer highly enough. You can manage your rss feeds on blogs you build with it, blogs you build with wordpress or another blog software, as well as manage remote blogs built on the adult blog freehost websites. The various software for blogs uses different APIs to accept remote queries, and you can select which one(s) you’re using when you setup each new blog to accept your listed feeds.
But if you’re only running a couple of blogs, then I understand how the expense would seem prohibitive. I’ll keep my eyes open for a better feed plugin than the one you’re using, but it seems to be the plugin of choice at the moment.
I definitely want that, from what I have heard about it.Just got to wait until I can get the money to purchase it.Gaystoryman, I am with you buddy, that is what I have used for some time and I know I couldn’t get mine to read the feeds from Buddy Profits , just naming one. Ugh