Re: Where is the traffic shifting to?
I am not an iTunes fan, though I have quite a lot of music from them. But I looked at Why I bought those songs, and it wasn’t because I wanted the Album, but because for the most part, there were simply only one or two songs I actually wanted to listen to again, and again. So it was economics. I didn’t want to pay $15 for a CD when I could get the two or even three songs I wanted for $3 in total.
The other thing is, has anyone thought that perhaps iTunes was/is successful is because People are choosy? They want something they can listen to over and over again, and they find that they simply don’t want to go through endless albums to find one or two songs. We are lazy by nature, we don’t want to keep hitting fast forward, and maybe, a great deal of the problem with our Industry, isn’t that there is too much Free Stuff, or even the Piracy Issue, but that the Consumer simply isn’t thrilled enough to pay $25 to each month to get mediocre stuff with the odd exciting bit?
Maybe the real issue is they’d rather get something for free that does the job, and hold onto their money for sites that actually deliver consistently, stuff they truly dig? And I think there is proof in that, considering the actual rebill ratios sites have. IF they were producing content people truly liked, wanted to have, the rebill percent would be a lot higher than the talked about 30% to 40%.
Updates that are sporadic, or only once or twice a week, with content that is split up, instead of being one update. Or endless photos that sounds good when you say there are 200 photos of hot Model A, but truth is, those 200 photos are actually 25 shots, the rest are simply a head turned a bit different in eight shots.
Most sites are Plug In the Model and that’s the update. I know some have issues with selling Bel Ami, but they update daily, and other than the Pin Up series, the settings are generally different with each shoot. They show variation, which I think grabs surfers who are into their type of models. And that is why they are also very successful.
I have a very good friend, who is a porn buyer. Yet he often will cancel his membership after a month, because the updates are twice a week, and after his initial membership, he’s seen it all. Plus the new stuff, just isn’t always enticing, and its basically a repeat of the same scene. So he signs up two or three times a year, checks out the new stuff, then moves on. Yet he has kept his Bel Ami membership current, for the opposite reason. It is always different and rarely disappoints him in providing what he wants to see.
In short, Quality. Maybe the issue with our industry isn’t that there are tons of free shit, just that what is offered for a price, isn’t any better, or consistently better, and different.
my nickles worth