Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

Re: Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

Not sure how your members section is laid out but maybe a simple note on the main page would help calm any confusion. You could inform your members that you’ve consolidated all videos options to a single MP4 option. For those “less informed” members also let them know that these work exactly the same as WMV’s in that they will continue to use their Windows Media Player just like they used too… Apple users will continue to use Quicktime. 30 days later pull down the notice.

I can’t see a single problem by doing this.

Just to be on the safe side I would change how you link to the downloadable videos first, removing the WMV option. But, leave the WMV files on your server for a period of time till you feel safe enough going ahead and deleting them. Worst case scenario you just add the WMV link option back.


Re: Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

I do all my watermarking, etc in Final Cut X and output a master file.

Re: Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

My master edited file is always output & backed up without a watermark. It’s then encoded into different formats and the watermark is added at that point. I find that gives more flexibility without having to deal with/manage multiple massive huge files.

Re: Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

Is CUDA encoding working yet on Mac?

Re: Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

I use 3 different formats. I make a psd file with wm for each format. In Premiere I have one project file with 3 sequences (one for each format). With Media Encoder I can queue directly the Premiere project and exporting each sequence in the format that I want.

I’ve found that having a proper wm for each format is the best way to get a decent result.

Re: Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

No realplayer format? WOW. Somebody needs to get with it. :shocked:

Re: Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

I just did some checking and noticed that MP4 is not supported by Windows Media Player natively…


“Windows Media Player does not support the playback of the .mp4 file format. You can play back .mp4 media files in Windows Media Player when you install DirectShow-compatible MPEG-4 decoder packs. DirectShow-compatible MPEG-4 decoder packs include the Ligos LSX-MPEG Player and the EnvivioTV.”

Re: Video Editing with Premiere on a Mac

So tell them to download VLC player and give them the link.

Won’t matter much in the future when everybody buys a Mac… which will be when Windows 8 comes and requires locked hardware so you can’t install any other O/S except for Windows easily.