Re: Take My Site Tour And Give Me Some Feedback PLEASE
First off I see zero hot text with keywords for Google. Most of your About page commentary should be on that page in actual html, not on a pic. And get your CSS off on it’s own page and link to it with .php.
Get description and keyword meta tags onto every page above the header. Some say google doesn’t use it … bullsh*t … I see what I put for a description meta on google listings almost 90% of the time. Also use the description ON the page as part of the hot text I mentioned first so Google sees “relativity” Also use the site name wherever if “fits” without sounding forced and give it H1 font tag… (adjust the actual index H1 size so it looks good in your CSS)
I’d put a link button that says “start the tour” at the top of your picture, below the picture and then under the TOS put – I Agree and I Don’t Agree buttons and link them. You an affiliate for underwear or such ? or have something that’s mainstream? … send the exit link to that site. Don’t send them to Google - they don’t need the SEO juice.
About the TOS – make it a graphic not actual HTML text. At the moment that’s all Google has to figure out how to categorize and describe your site. Also, link your header picture to the same index1. url, not to the about page. (dump the about page and rework what you say there thru the tour and if there isn’t a hot juicy cock in my face in those pics on pages after your landing page … don’t waste precious selling space showing me a picture of the Miami skyline)
All the affiliate stuff should be in small font way down under your TOS. You want to sell the site, not have people signup to be an “affiliate” to get to your content. At very bottom of landing page put the “Ready to see more uncut Latino cock?” that you are using on the about page and Add two links. One that says “Join Now”, and the other “Start the Tour”
Free tour, start the tour, or whatever you choose to use for links~~ send them to this url:
Show me boys, Lots and Lots of boys. I agree about first name/last name and be sure that it’s actual html text for SEO and not on a graphic. Also use the “alt” tag on every picture of those boys with “MiamiBoyz - Jake Smith” etc
I hate the drop shadow on pics and on the text graphics … it really “dates” your site. That was popular 12 years ago, it doesn’t show a fresh fun site with fresh young boys for me to drool over. It gives me the feeling of “it’s old, I’ve seen it all before, it’s probably free at my favorite torrent or tube site”. Same goes for your index header menu links and the actual photo text treatment. Too boxy and again, makes it feel dated.
Note: be sure to create an affiliate tour landing page that they use to send traffic to, as the index you have now is a major traffic leak. I’m not going to waste my traffic so they can head off to visit GayDemon or some Review site. I want a bloody sale! Stay focused!
on the index1. page I do like the “you download it you keep it” Use it like a slogan and maybe extend it elsewhere a bit as part of your hot text with something like “You download it, You keep it. That way you can have a hot, straight, MiamiBoyz cock whenever you want it!”
But do add “Join Now” with that you keep it graphic and link to join page. You have a JOIN opportunity only at the very top. A JOIN opportunity needs to be at every page break as I scroll down and again at the very bottom of every page.
If you want those testimonials at the bottom, get them into a table as the font is right on the edge of both sides of your page or control it with your CSS. And make the font smaller. PUT LINKS IN AS UNDERLINED AND IN LINK BLUE. I only just happened to see a link when I moused down as I was scrolling. Don’t make it a happy accident that I get to see more hot boyz and juicy cocks. Just my 2cents about the testimonials – again, it dates your site and does nothing to make me want to join.
The ribs and BBQ beans are ready … so that’s it for now.