programs that use free email addresses

i know some webmasters who absolutely will not sign up for a program where the contact info is an email address at hotmail or yahoo or gmail. i tend to think twice before signing up for a program where the contact info is at a free email unless i get to know the folks who run them. usually i suggest that they use an email address at their own domains - and some do offer me one to use to contact them or even change the email on their site.

right now, i’m dealing with a rep for a program who uses hotmail, but i must say he always answers his emails day and night within minutes.

so how about you? do you check programs’ contact info and avoid programs that use free email addresses or do you go for it?

Re: programs that use free email addresses

Any free email address used in business is suspect. They make me quite uncomfortable.

Re: programs that use free email addresses

I am the exact opposite. Domains go down or get inundated with email attacks, i like having an alternative more stable email addy to contact them with, in emergencies. It isn’t often that hotmail or gmail is inaccessible, so for me, it makes sense.

Re: programs that use free email addresses

I tend to view them with some apprehension when I am contacted by people claiming to run a site and yet use a hotmail or other free email address.

If I can’t tell what site by looking at the email address I tend to dismiss the email almost as spam!

Re: programs that use free email addresses

Our sites all have contact forms on them. No email address posted, even in the source code. So do we fall in the same boat as the free email address users?


Re: programs that use free email addresses

no, but i admit that i prefer actual contact info to a form…

[quote=Nicedreams;29529]Our sites all have contact forms on them. No email address posted, even in the source code. So do we fall in the same boat as the free email address users?


Re: programs that use free email addresses

It could be sending to a free email address. :wink: We do have our icq number posted, but otherwise no other contact info.

I never really thought about it when going to other programs. I just care if I get a response or not when sending a message. And that their billers are known.


Re: programs that use free email addresses

The problem with me is that I have no concept on how to use Outlook. I even got the book ‘Outlook for Dummies’ and I still couldn’t understand it. So I just gave up and continued to use my Yahoo account. Which really isn’t smart cause Yahoo is cracking down and blocking certain domains from sending or receiving emails. But I have set up one of my domains to send emails, which bounces back to my Yahoo account. But if Yahoo ever cuts me off (which has happened before), I’m screwed cause alot of info and passwords are in my folders.

Re: programs that use free email addresses

I like programs that have [email protected]

Makes me feel better asI know it’s going to a person in the program. If the person leaves and has [email protected] you never know if the person even works there. But, if the person leaves the company I am sure they will lose the email address. Or at least they should.

Re: programs that use free email addresses

I think free email addresses are very non-professional. I hesitate to deal with anyone using them, including affiliates, content producers, and other program owners.

Re: programs that use free email addresses

yeah… this isn’t a hobby anymore.

get a real domain or go home.