Payout problems, next step?

Re: Payout problems, next step?

I don’t even think you need to sue. Just hiring a lawyer to write a strongly worded letter for a few hundred dollars will do the trick. People don’t want to go to court, it’s too costly.


Re: Payout problems, next step?

I do agree, people often say they are getting a lawyer or suing someone… but from my experiance its very expensive. Whenever I have employed one its cost me a great deal.

For example, my lawyer (UK Based) charges me $300-500 for a simple letter in regards to Gaydemon Trademarks and copyright infringments.

This is exactly why Im asking what the next step would be.

Sure, there is limit if someone ows me 20k, i wouldnt hesitate in getting a lawyer. But in my case its normally figures like $1000-3000, due to the fact I would have noticed by then if they stopped paying and stopped any traffic before it got higher than that.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

[QUOTE=dzinerbear;15134]I don’t even think you need to sue. Just hiring a lawyer to write a strongly worded letter for a few hundred dollars will do the trick. People don’t want to go to court, it’s too costly.


That works most of the time. However, I would write the letter and collect my money before i “out” the company. They are much more likely to pay.