"On the Media" takes on Mindgeek's porn monopoly

I listen to this podcast every week and I was surprised and pleased to hear them talking about the porn business. I was particularly happy that it wasn’t in a judgy way, but some good business reporting.
You can find the podcast at:


Here’s the abstract:
You’ve probably never heard of MindGeek. MindGeek has over 100 million daily visitors. It operates nearly a hundred websites, and consumes more bandwidth than Facebook, Twitter and Amazon. How has MindGeek achieved such success so anymously? The answer has to do with MindGeek’s line of business: pornography. Brooke speaks to Slate writer David Auerbach, who explains how the company gained such dominance in porn.

Re: “On the Media” takes on Mindgeek’s porn monopoly

Yes, the Mindgeek story been mentioned in a couple of places now. How they gained dominance… well… i think we know the answer to that one! :smiley: