ManSites, a long established adult entertainment network (AEN) for the gay porn lover community. The program continues to feature free one-year network memberships for consumers. Our affiliates submit content sites, the site is reviewed and approved within twenty-four hours. ManSites has thousands of FHGs for our consumers along with premium categories. Hit me up if you are interested in learning more or participating in one of the first adult gay AVS programs on the net.
Michael B
[email protected]
Re: New Webmasters…Introduce you to AVS
Hi Mike, and welcome to 
Re: New Webmasters…Introduce you to AVS
Hi, thanks for joining.
Would be interesting to hear how you think AVS now fits into the porn market. Have you done any major changes in how you run it since you started? What challanges are you facing? Why should webmasters promote AVS?
Re: New Webmasters…Introduce you to AVS
Welcome. I’d also be interested in hearing why Mansites is still going the “free” AVS route. I would think in this day and age surfers would know that nothing is really free, especially when you need to give a credit card to get it. This is the one thing that has held me back from promoting Mansites.
Glad to see you here and I look forward to seeing more of what you have to say.
Re: New Webmasters…Introduce you to AVS
That is true to some extent Butch, however bear in mind that today’s educated surfer also knows that canceling their free 3 day trial to the upsell site will make the 1 year of unlimited access to the Mansites network actually free. The way our model works is that webmasters get paid on the free join, whether or not the surfer keeps the membership to the upsell product. Fortunately, a significant number of consumers still find sufficient value in the upsell site that they keep the trial and convert to paid members.
Re: New Webmasters…Introduce you to AVS
So, if there are any webmasters out there that would like to give AVS a try. I would LOVE to talk with you. Currently our conversion rates are averaging 1:100. And we pay $20 on every join. So whether or not the surfer cancels the 3 day upsell trial offer and keeps the year free ManSites Network, the affiliate gets paid on the join.