So I am not a techno geek, but if I am redirecting traffic using htaccess, how does my affiliate code get tracked to the mobile site? Same holds for php or java, like where does my affiliate code go, or does it?
Also which is better to use, an htaccess script, php, or javascript? In which case, where in the F**k do we put it. LIke does one add the javascript code to the template page? and all that techno geeky stuff :bang:
Its a set of scripts for mobile redirects. If you are using this on your own domain, simply change the URL to the encoded link to the appropriate website.
Its a set of scripts for mobile redirects. If you are using this on your own domain, simply change the URL to the encoded link to the appropriate website.[/QUOTE]
Thanks Luke, got that in my email actually, so if I am promoting all of the mobile sites, now six in your stable, would I simply add the various sites?
for the htaccess script it will only accept one redirect URL. I recommend pushing your mobile traffic to a site that is similar to yours except mobile optimized, for example, I did this little site up for redirecting my tgp and tube traffic: it is a TGP site using mobile-optimised movie FHG galleries. I have just completed creating another batch of movie FHGs for our other mobile sites, those URLs should be hitting your mailbox with tomorrows update.