Members Area Traffic

Hey All,

Not very familiar with the advertising pricing world.

We’re considering adding an entire section to the members area as a “Partners Page” (Only seen in our members area)

We’d considered allowing 6 spots on the page that would be totally dedicated to these partners with whatever piece of promo content they’d like. ( Adult sites, blogs, toys etc w/e)

My question is, How do you price an area like that? Prefer a monthly flat fee to make things the least complicated, but this world is pretty new to us.

Any advice would be very appreciated.


Hey Guys!

Feel free to drop us an email [email protected] … We don’t have a paid for section but we have been running a partners content exchange area for about 2 years with quite positive results. Happy to have a chin wag on skype to discuss, anyways wanted to speak to you guys about some piracy we’ve come across of yours while clearing our own so feel free to drop me an email :slight_smile:

so you want to give your paying customers paid advertising disguised as ‘partner content’?

For us we do partner bonus content trades with other studios, which has proven to be very good for all parties. Also discount membership deals for each others members etc. We have never sold the space in our members area to someone else for a fee however. If we add something to our members area, the first question is does this add value to the member at zero cost, with no requirement for them to buy anything. Never been a fan of giving up control of what gets put in your members area for advertising money, or putting up something that doesn’t add value to the member in any way.

If you decide to try the partner content trades, hit me up at [email protected] - And definitely hit up Daniel at French Twinks above. Excellent to work with, great content, and our members enjoy it and vice versa.

The simplest and most common way is using affiliate links, with a better than “default” payout ( this is quality traffic we’re talking about! ) A flat rate wouldn’t really be a good way to start if you haven’t really tested the waters and have a solid grasp of your MA traffic. Last thing you want to do is over promise and charge ( or under charge!) Partner trades are easy and could also get you a good amount of new members :wink:

Hitting you up bud!

just in case,
[email protected]