What do you get by taking part in the Gaydemon.Biz Freesite Workshop? Well, every site that follows the rules and includes a Gaydemon recip will be listed at Gaydemon. And this is also about helping each other so we can learn, so everyone will get feedback and assistance. Ready?
Okay, let’s get started!
The sites will consist of:
A warning page with a clear easy-to-find enter link and easy to spot recips to the directories you plan to list your site at.
At least 25 pics or 8 video clips (more depending on the rules of the lists you want to submit to).
You can include a main page but it isn’t required.
Many link lists and directories require their recip be on the warning page, easy to find, and some require that their recips be above the enter link. Be sure and read the rules of the sites you plan to submit to.
If you want your site listed at Gaydemon, you can find the banners here: http://www.gaydemon.com/banners/
or a nice text link can be used.
:bang: What’s with this 25 pic requirement? A three row table/4 image per row layout =12 x 2 pages equals 24. If you’re really wanting a 3 row table at 5 pics per just say 30 pics and be done with it.
The point of my rant is I don’t want to do MORE, but less, like 24. I’m so sick of giving away half of my friggin content in a free site just to meet these rules to get listed.
michael, your site is spectacularly clean and looks good. has this style been accepted for you at all the sites you have recips for? i’m asking because i have posted to directories that definitely would turn it down for the amount of real estate given to the ad on the warning and main page, as well as for the thumbs linked to the sponsor at the bottom of this one http://www.gay-porn-pig.com/freesites/collegedudes/horny-college-guys/01.html
bec, those are the gaydemon rules, so you’d have to ask bjorn. most of the lists i submit to have a minimum of either 30 or 50.
I was thinking of getting into this buildathon but to be honest I don’t think I can even come close to what you folks can do. Honestly. Perhaps I’ll just sit back and learn this time around.
if you can make galleries, you can make a freesite. c’mon, jeff! my freesites are my absolute worst thing and i’m doing this. hopefully i can get some pointers.
This was a fairly new template that I used only a few times and mainly for this sponsor. And then, I launched into my Joomla project, so I never got a chance to check for its acceptance. However, this template sold many more memberships than my previous one, so I’m assuming it got good acceptance.
By the way, why does a link list care how big a banner is? On Gay Porn Pig I couldn’t give a horse’s ass how big your banner is. Give me a recip, don’t trick the surfers, and provide reasonable content and I’ll approve your freesite. Once the surfer is off the main warning page, the link list has lost the opportunity to get them to their hub. At this point, if a freesite sells then the webmaster is happy, and happy webmasters keep submitting. Am I missing something?
I was confused by this … I have a 468 banner on the warning page and a text link. The images above aren’t a part of the link, they’re just showing the guys on this freesite.
Ok…perhaps I’ll give it a try lol What have I got to lose? $15 for a domain? Is anyone doing one for any of Gunzblazing’s stuff? They’re my faves and I think I’d like to look into one for them.
I think it complies with all the rules hehe. Please do comment :)[/QUOTE]
I like your stuff. It’s very blocky, linear, and balance, like everything was laid out with a ruler. And I’m always attracted to that kind of stuff.
I also love your colours. They’re bold and they really grab you.
I’m a little disappointed with the thumbsize. I don’t know if bigger thumbs sell better, but my first impression when I saw them was, “Oh this guy is cheap.” That may not get a surfer in the mood to buy. Don’t know, let’s see what others say.
Question: Why is some of the your link text underline and some not? Not criticizing, just wanting to know if there’s a sales reason for it.
The other thing I think would make your site better is if you didn’t use the Blake Mason banners. I’d make my own. It’s a bother, but I think it’s worth it as those 468x60s get over used pretty quickly. I usually just use them on my warning page, but everything else, I try and make custom.
The only other thing I might suggest is providing a link to somehow get your surfers into the rest of freesites. I know you have one on the front page, I might put something else on your gallery page at the bottom. I usually link to a couple of names galleries, i.e. Big Hard Cocks and Straight Naked Studs, just to help with SEO. I also figure the longer I can keep someone on my own properties, the better my chances when a surfer gets horny enough.
I do 60 pic, usually 4 x 15 or 3 x 20 so I can get listed at alta gay links.[/QUOTE]
I’d space out your top of page text on your gallery page. It was a little squished together, and I’d bold all of it because my eye tended to gloss over the non-bolded stuff.
I like the big preview pics on the gallery page, but again, I found the thumbs a bit on the small side.
I’d love to hear what others have to say about mixing landscape and portrait thumbs. I hate it myself and find it hard on my eyes. But maybe it also slows down surfers … I don’t know.
And if you’re going to have text on every page, I’d vary it. I know it’s a pain, but once I read it a second time and find out it’s the same, it tends to have a hypnotizing effect â “Don’t read my text it’s all the same and repetitive.” So, I’d maybe put most of the text on the gallery page and then just use a come-on line at the top of every other page. And I’d change the “Click Here to See the Video …” text too. It’s all just a bit too repetitive and I think a surfer’s eye will just gloss over it.
Maybe use CSS and put some borders around your pictures, it might help focus them on the white background. Put a couple of pixels of padding and then a border around them, that effect looks quite nice.
I am by no means an expert on this but imo the use of the red color for the warning box is a bad choise, i know you might want to signal stop/read this but red on blue is a clash of colors that will draw all the attention to something that we all have on the pages but to be honest we dont expect people to read etc - so i would probably go with another more neutral color there…