Everything You Need to Know About Manplay.com

Re: Everything You Need to Know About Manplay.com

I’m no longer there. So for obvious reasons will not comment on a previous employer.

Re: Everything You Need to Know About Manplay.com

I think the latest tactic manplay.com is using to attract traffic really sucks. They make up authentic sounding m4m craigslist posts and insert a URL (like RaleighGays.com on the Raleigh craigs m4m site) within the post. These URLs redirect the user to manplay. So all these craigs users are wasting their time when they read and respond to these fake ads. That’s pretty disrespectful of people’s time. You can search craigs and verify that what I am saying is true (search RaleighGays in the raleigh personals , for example) . There are the cities this deception/spamming is going on for, to get people to go to manplay.com Yes, the sites below redirect to manplay

> **In albany.craigslist.org ((59)) He Spams For the site: nymales.com
> **In albuquerque.craigslist.org ((50)) He Spams For the site: nmguys.com
> **In atlanta.craigslist.org ((14)) He Spams For the site: m4matlanta.com AND
> HotlantaGuys.com
> **In austin.craigslist.org ((15)) He Spams For the site: m4mtexas.com AND AustinGuys.com
> AND TXGuys.com **In baltimore.craigslist.org ((34)) He Spams For the site: BMoreGuys.com AND BaltimoreM4M.com **In batonrouge.craigslist.org ((199)) He Spams For the site: LouisianaM4M.com AND
> LouisianaMales.com
> **In boston.craigslist.org ((4)) He Spams For the site: m4mboston.com AND
> beantowngays.com
> **In buffalo.craigslist.org ((40)) He Spams For the site: nymales.com
> **In charlotte.craigslist.org ((41)) He Spams For the site: m4mraleigh.com AND
> RaleighGays.com AND CarolinaMales.com
> **In chicago.craigslist.org ((11)) He Spams For the site: m4mchicago.com AND
> windycitygays.com
> **In cincinnati.craigslist.org ((35)) He Spams For the site: ohiomales.com AND
> M4MOhio.com
> **In cleveland.craigslist.org ((27)) He Spams For the site: ohiomales.com AND M4MOhio.com
> **In columbus.craigslist.org ((42)) He Spams For the site: ohiomales.com AND M4MOhio.com
> **In dallas.craigslist.org ((21)) He Spams For the site: m4mtexas.com AND TXGuys.com **In delaware.craigslist.org ((193)) He Spams For the site: DelawareDudes.com **In denver.craigslist.org ((13)) He Spams For the site: ColoradoGuys.com
> **In fortmyers.craigslist.org ((125)) He Spams For the site: flmales.com
> **In houston.craigslist.org ((23)) He Spams For the site: m4mtexas.com AND TXGuys.com AND m4mhouston.com AND HoustonMales.com
> **In indianapolis.craigslist.org ((45)) He Spams For the site: IndianaGuys.com
> **In jacksonville.craigslist.org ((80)) He Spams For the site: flmales.com
> **In kansascity.craigslist.org ((30)) He Spams For the site: KansasGuys.com
> **In losangeles.craigslist.org ((7)) He Spams For the site: m4mla.com AND LaLaGays.com AND m4mcali.com
> **In louisville.craigslist.org ((58)) He Spams For the site: kentuckymales+.com
> **In madison.craigslist.org ((165)) He Spams For the site: wisconsinmales.com
> **In maine.craigslist.org ((169)) He Spams For the site: mainemales.com
> **In memphis.craigslist.org ((46)) He Spams For the site: TNGuys.com AND tnm4m.com
> **In milwaukee.craigslist.org ((47)) He Spams For the site: MilwaukeeGuys.com AND
> wisconsinmales.com
> **In nashville.craigslist.org ((32)) He Spams For the site: TNGuys.com AND tnm4m.com
> **In nh.craigslist.org ((198)) He Spams For the site: nhguys.com
> **In newhaven.craigslist.org ((168)) He Spams For the site: hartfordguys.com
> **In neworleans.craigslist.org ((31)) He Spams For the site: LouisianaM4M.com AND
> LouisianaMales.com
> **In newyork.craigslist.org ((3)) He Spams For the site: nymales.com AND
> NYM4MClassifieds.com **In newjersey.craigslist.org ((170)) He Spams For the site: njmales.com
> **In oklahomacity.craigslist.org ((54)) He Spams For the site: OklahomaGuys.com AND
> M4MOklahoma.com AND oklahomaguys.com
> **In omaha.craigslist.org ((55)) He Spams For the site: nebraskaguys.com
> **In orangecounty.craigslist.org ((103)) He Spams For the site: M4MOC.com AND m4mcali.com
> **In orlando.craigslist.org ((39)) He Spams For the site: flmales.com
> **In philadelphia.craigslist.org ((17)) He Spams For the site: m4mphilly.com AND
> PhillyMen.com
> **In phoenix.craigslist.org ((18)) He Spams For the site: PHXmen.com
> **In pittsburgh.craigslist.org ((33)) He Spams For the site: PAmales.com
> **In portland.craigslist.org ((9)) He Spams For the site: portlandguys AND M4MPortland.com
> **In raleigh.craigslist.org ((36)) He Spams For the site: m4mraleigh.com AND
> RaleighGays.com AND CarolinaMales.com
> **In providence.craigslist.org ((38)) He Spams For the site: providencemen.com
> **In richmond.craigslist.org ((60)) He Spams For the site: VAmales.com
> **In sacramento.craigslist.org ((12)) He Spams For the site: m4mcali.com AND
> TheCityGays.com AND SacramentoGuys.com
> **In sanantonio.craigslist.org ((53)) He Spams For the site: m4mtexas.com AND TXGuys.com **In sandiego.craigslist.org ((8)) He Spams For the site: SDGuys.com AND m4mcali.com AND
> m4mSD.com
> **In santafe.craigslist.org ((218)) He Spams For the site: nmguys.com
> **In seattle.craigslist.org ((2)) He Spams For the site: portlandguys.com AND waguys.com
> AND washingtonm4m.com
> **In sfbay.craigslist.org ((1)) He Spams For the site: m4mcali.com AND TheCityGays.com
> AND SacramentoGuys.com
> **In miami.craigslist.org ((20)) He Spams For the site: flmales.com
> **In stlouis.craigslist.org ((29)) He Spams For the site: STLmales.com AND stlm4m.com
> **In tampa.craigslist.org ((37)) He Spams For the site: flmales.com AND GCruiseTampa.com
> **In tulsa.craigslist.org ((70)) He Spams For the site: oklahomaguys.com
> **In washingtondc.craigslist.org ((10)) He Spams For the site: washingtonm4m.com AND DCmales.com

Re: Everything You Need to Know About Manplay.com

This is a very old thread, please try and avoid resurrecting old non-relevant threads.

But I think we all seen by now that they are not the most trustworthy company.