EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Yes that is true… And is why the awards are publicly elected as it is what the public like not what a panel of judges think… So as stated before in this thread it may not necessary be the best site design or whatever, But is what the public like…

Take a very popular American ads site for example in my personal opinion the design is outdated and is a pain to navigate, but millions of people use it every day and has survived the test of time… The public love it and that is were we are coming from with these awards.

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Another example, lets take horror films :

The press and experts tell me in reviews that “Film A” is “terrifying and will have you on the edge of your seat” etc etc … 98% of the time I sit and laugh my nuts off all through it and get told to shut up :smiley:

Where as about 28 years ago I found when they first ran the full series of Salem’s Lot (since then they cut so many bits out of it, it is not the same at all) had me on the edge of my seat the build up was slow but the scary bits where scary.

All down to personal taste… does not mean the reviewer was right or wrong, he might of thought it was as he described it and was terrified… But do the actual public agree with him after watching it? … So is it really the best because he said so or is the best because the public think so…

Were working from the public angle :slight_smile:

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Something else that I never really gave much thought to is the actual site design for the web awards site, simple is what I prefer, but is that what people would expect to see? … Would it be better if I was too change it more along the lines of the news site in my sig? … Or go for an all out fancy site that looks more like a sponsor tour page type thing with all the heavy graphics and stuff?

Maybe it is the first impression that is part of the problem? …

As their is nothing to be improved upon on the voting technique far as I can see, biased on it being from a public perspective after all and not a panel of judges…

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Righto, so I have started to restructure that site… the 2008 nominees section is not very pretty atm, but there still there… going to take a few hours work to sort that as I have each category in php files with special <divs> to display correctly with the old style and for ease of updating (well was)…

Now seeing that nobody has pipped up, I can only assume that the actual site is ok…

So I decided that maybe some clarification was needed on a new “about” page instead, here is my addition to it :

May we just point out that our awards are publicly voted on there is no panel of judges and our awards can not be bought. It really is the votes cast by the public that determines the outcome of the awards. So if you happen to see some very well known site in any category and it does not win then it is purely due to the public not voting for it…

Webmasters have been asking in forums all over the Internet for sometime now for a truly democratic awards and voting system biased not on how much traffic you have or how big of an advertising budget you have or who you know, but biased purely on the votes made by everyone that participates, with multiple voting choices it is not just a case of clicking one link from a site to vote! They click a link to our voting pages and make their own decisions on who they wish to vote for… we are doing everything possible to ensure that is what we provide.

More and more people are learning of our new awards everyday, so the next one will have a much bigger public and industry awareness and that means more sites submitted and many more votes, And overall become more competitive as more of the larger and longer standing sites participate in these awards. It will be interesting to see yet again what the public prefers over who has the biggest budget to spend on development and advertising.

I hope this is now very clear to those of you who did not fully understand that EGPA does not operate in the same way as many other awards company’s…

Andy Robson.

Couple of things I really do need to know is, Have I now made it quite plain how these awards work? and have I explained it correctly? as in is it too blunt, or does it just sound like a load of bollocks…

We are trying our hardest here to set the record straight and make this truly how you guys think it should be, I keep hearing through the grapevine that an awards like this is what fellow webmasters want…

I feel I have met you all more than half way here, and provided information that others do not disclose.

Or is it more fun to just keep on hearing everyone complain about the other awards systems and never put a step forward to make it happen how you want it to?

So now is your chance to make your input and give me some constructive feedback in return please…

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!! is available.

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

lol thanks, but somehow its just nothing i want to get into! I got enough people who dont like me as it is :wink:

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Well, all I can add to this thread is life isn’t fair and no election can ever be totally fair either! We have to accept some pitfalls and not get too hung up about them, and it does seem the EGPA guys actually pretty cool :cool:

I could feel sorry that no-one nominated my site, but then I didn’t bother myself so I can’t really complain! Next year I’ll try and pay more attention :smiley: But what I would add is if everyone nominated themselves then you are going to need to find a way to narrow down the finalists of each category, otherwise your voters will 1,000’s of sites to choose from and that will be a nightmare!

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

[QUOTE=Adam Mason;26372]Well, all I can add to this thread is life isn’t fair and no election can ever be totally fair either! We have to accept some pitfalls and not get too hung up about them, and it does seem the EGPA guys actually pretty cool :cool:

I could feel sorry that no-one nominated my site, but then I didn’t bother myself so I can’t really complain! Next year I’ll try and pay more attention :smiley: But what I would add is if everyone nominated themselves then you are going to need to find a way to narrow down the finalists of each category, otherwise your voters will 1,000’s of sites to choose from and that will be a nightmare![/QUOTE]

Thanks for your positive feedback, Adam much appreciated :cool:

Yes the possibility of there being 1000’s of sites did cross my mind, My thoughts were to split the category’s up into their own separate voting process so people do not have to go through them all, if they do not want to.

For example :

Voting selection page contains a list of the category’s…

Select a category browse the list make your vote…

Back to voting selection page… rinse and repeat… Or come back another day and vote on a different category if you wish…

Complicates the restrictions on stopping multiple votes from the same person per category… But I know of a way to achieve that :slight_smile:

Some people may only care to vote on one or two category’s that way I know and might not bother with the rest, That might be a good thing and make for a more accurate result, If they only vote on what they care to instead of making them also vote on category’s they might not give to hoots about.

Something to consider at least I think… (grumbles, more f-ing work lol)

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Well, that’s one way… or you could slim down the final candidates by limiting it to the top 10 sites per category according to the number of nominations recieved. So, if only I nominated my site as being worthy, yet in the same category / niche 10 other sites got more than one nomination, my site wouldn’t be in the final.

I don’t see how anyone could complain at that scenario (although some will!)

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

again, it depends on if the awards claim this is a people’s choice or whehther the awards claim these are the best sites. while you can certainly easily tally up votes, the results won’t show the best site.

if any awards - and i’m NOT talking about these awards in particular - want to have awards for what are truly the best sites, rather than the ones that can send more traffic, they will need to be scored at least partly by criteria. and ultimately i suppose to be fair, even the criteria would need to be voted on.

seems like content quality, originality, ease of use would be at least 3 criteria. and then content quality would have to have different ratings for free sites and paysites and PPV (although why most ppv isn’t at least as high in quality as paysites, i don’t know). and then each voter would have to vote on each point. after all, some sites have HORRIBLE navigation, ugly looks but wonderful content and tons of personality. and that’s 4 different voting issues.

i mean, as far as paysites, all the awards let surfers vote even though they’ve never seen anything but the tour. to get a truly honest vote, surfers would all have to have access to the member area since this isn’t the academy awards, so we can’t send them screeners :wink:

[quote=Adam Mason;26417]Well, that’s one way… or you could slim down the final candidates by limiting it to the top 10 sites per category according to the number of nominations recieved. So, if only I nominated my site as being worthy, yet in the same category / niche 10 other sites got more than one nomination, my site wouldn’t be in the final.

I don’t see how anyone could complain at that scenario (although some will!)[/quote]

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Good points, but they just aren’t workable, are they? It’s a bit like saying no-one is really eligible to vote in the McCain / Obama election unless they have personally been able to meet and question the candiates directly themselves lol

Now… that restriction could really change the world… whistle

[QUOTE=basschick;26428]again, it depends on if the awards claim this is a people’s choice or whehther the awards claim these are the best sites. while you can certainly easily tally up votes, the results won’t show the best site.

if any awards - and i’m NOT talking about these awards in particular - want to have awards for what are truly the best sites, rather than the ones that can send more traffic, they will need to be scored at least partly by criteria. and ultimately i suppose to be fair, even the criteria would need to be voted on.

seems like content quality, originality, ease of use would be at least 3 criteria. and then content quality would have to have different ratings for free sites and paysites and PPV (although why most ppv isn’t at least as high in quality as paysites, i don’t know). and then each voter would have to vote on each point. after all, some sites have HORRIBLE navigation, ugly looks but wonderful content and tons of personality. and that’s 4 different voting issues.

i mean, as far as paysites, all the awards let surfers vote even though they’ve never seen anything but the tour. to get a truly honest vote, surfers would all have to have access to the member area since this isn’t the academy awards, so we can’t send them screeners ;)[/QUOTE]

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

well, some is literally impossible, but some of it is perfectly do-able. one could certainly have each voter rate each site on 5 or 6 points - say navigation/ease of use, visual appeal, content quality, whether the site delivers on its claims and personality.

[quote=Adam Mason;26430]Good points, but they just aren’t workable, are they? It’s a bit like saying no-one is really eligible to vote in the McCain / Obama election unless they have personally been able to meet and question the candiates directly themselves lol

Now… that restriction could really change the world… whistle[/quote]

Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!

Very good points … I can see “Best Site” getting changed to “Most Popular” <insert disclaimer here> lol

each voter rate each site on 5 or 6 points - say navigation/ease of use, visual appeal, content quality, whether the site delivers on its claims and personality.

Then really every voter would have had to visit each site in question and then vote on those 5-6 points for every site in the category, and then the score logged from that perspective…

That would be expecting too much from the voter IMHO… you know yourself what a pain it is when you get stuck with a survey and asked “How would you rate this service? … somewhat bad, bad, good, somewhat good, f-ing awful, or undecided” …
Then onto the next 50 odd questions… It drives me to distraction and I either tell them where to stick the survey or if I am in a good mood I just say the first thing that comes into my head (and thats usually enough to make them hang up, or run away! :D)

I can see where your coming from, but I can also predict that many people will simply not finish the voting process because of this and it being too long and drawn out…

Most peoples attention span is very short anyway… It really has to be “wham bam thank you mam” … quick easy voting… lets face it the people that take the time to click a link from a nominated site are probably going to just find that site on the list anyway and vote for them, unless they seen another site that they just happen to like better in the list…

The voting pages that we had this time round IMO were too long and time consuming… Hence why when Adam mentioned a possibility of loads of sites brought me to the separate voting on each category idea.

Even employing that idea and mixing it with the multiple choice on 5-6 different quality’s per site could well get way too much for the voter…

Don’t get me wrong I’m not urinating on suggestions given, Just trying to look at it from a voters perspective also…

Something I feel does need to be taken into consideration, or we might end up with more sites than completed votes lol