Re: EGPA 2008 Web Awards winners announced !!!
Righto, so I have started to restructure that site… the 2008 nominees section is not very pretty atm, but there still there… going to take a few hours work to sort that as I have each category in php files with special <divs> to display correctly with the old style and for ease of updating (well was)…
Now seeing that nobody has pipped up, I can only assume that the actual site is ok…
So I decided that maybe some clarification was needed on a new “about” page instead, here is my addition to it :
May we just point out that our awards are publicly voted on there is no panel of judges and our awards can not be bought. It really is the votes cast by the public that determines the outcome of the awards. So if you happen to see some very well known site in any category and it does not win then it is purely due to the public not voting for it…
Webmasters have been asking in forums all over the Internet for sometime now for a truly democratic awards and voting system biased not on how much traffic you have or how big of an advertising budget you have or who you know, but biased purely on the votes made by everyone that participates, with multiple voting choices it is not just a case of clicking one link from a site to vote! They click a link to our voting pages and make their own decisions on who they wish to vote for… we are doing everything possible to ensure that is what we provide.
More and more people are learning of our new awards everyday, so the next one will have a much bigger public and industry awareness and that means more sites submitted and many more votes, And overall become more competitive as more of the larger and longer standing sites participate in these awards. It will be interesting to see yet again what the public prefers over who has the biggest budget to spend on development and advertising.
I hope this is now very clear to those of you who did not fully understand that EGPA does not operate in the same way as many other awards companyâsâ¦
Andy Robson.
Couple of things I really do need to know is, Have I now made it quite plain how these awards work? and have I explained it correctly? as in is it too blunt, or does it just sound like a load of bollocks…
We are trying our hardest here to set the record straight and make this truly how you guys think it should be, I keep hearing through the grapevine that an awards like this is what fellow webmasters want…
I feel I have met you all more than half way here, and provided information that others do not disclose.
Or is it more fun to just keep on hearing everyone complain about the other awards systems and never put a step forward to make it happen how you want it to?
So now is your chance to make your input and give me some constructive feedback in return please…