Re: best tips for creating a free site?
[QUOTE=abostonboy;18311]It’s the typical debate.
Sites I have that are 1024x768 have a lower % surfing at 800 x 600 than sites that I have that are 800 x 600. If your site is optimized for 1024 x 768, then obviously you will have a higher % that use that. Kind of like having a bar with a ceiling 5’5" high. Anyone taller will have to duck to walk around, so they will either leave or a small % will come in.[/QUOTE]
That’s why I looked at two sites - one narrower and one wider. Both have enough traffic to be meaningful.
One of our very conservative corporate clients (where the corporate standard is still IE6), their web interface group says they’re OK with site designs that are optimized for 90%+ of users. Hence a year ago that site was around the 10% mark and dropping for 800x600 and they were OK with going wider.
[QUOTE=abostonboy;18311]That’s even assuming that surfers surf with a maximized browser.
but, at the end of the day, I am not all that concerned about designing above the fold anymore. One of the main reasons it was so important in the past was because of dial up. A paysite in the past really wanted join links to show up as the page loaded. It gave them something important to click.
I think as long as one doesn’t bury the important links, then they are ok.
Least common demoninator is a very subjective term when it comes to web design.
One domain I have has 12% at 800 x 600. I am not sure if i would feel comfortable putting my nav bar on the right hand side past 800 pixels.[/QUOTE]
Interesting point about broadband and “above the fold”. You don’t hear as much talk about “above the fold” as you used to and that’s probably the reason…