Just checked my stats for yeasterday and there are some really odd figures / stats.
Anyone else seen something odd going on?
Just checked my stats for yeasterday and there are some really odd figures / stats.
Anyone else seen something odd going on?
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
yes! we’ve actually had the WORST week on record - I think we’ve made $69 US Dollars! Thank God for extremely strong DVD sales over the past few weeks for us - !
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
was your traffic down or only your sales?
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
More traffic, less sales here… yesterday 0 sales… yet again:bang:
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
this entire week has been very strong with sales
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
Thats the odd thing. Traffic has been good, nothing wrong there. But just not as much sales as that amount of traffic normally would have.
Gaydemon is always quite steady in sales and traffic, which is why i react when traffic is normal but sales down (by a larger amount).
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
Maybe it’s the pre-Pride jitters. Everyone is looking forward to Pride this weekend and they’re saving their money. This is usually the biggest weekend for Pride festivals. Toronto’s is this weekend, so are NYC and San Francisco.
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
[QUOTE=dzinerbear;12897]Maybe it’s the pre-Pride jitters. Everyone is looking forward to Pride this weekend and they’re saving their money. This is usually the biggest weekend for Pride festivals. Toronto’s is this weekend, so are NYC and San Francisco.
You may be right here. There are a lot of people traveling this week to those Prides
So A) they are not on line joing and B) They are saving their cash foe this week end.
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
This week has some crazy days. One day 1:50 and the day after 1:600. Bah.
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
Yesterday was our best day with CCBill for 8 days. But hey, we’re paying the penalty today! It’s just all so random these days!
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
damn, glad it’s not just me this week sux!!! And it can’t be just pride stuff as I am pushing straight mostly, so I have no idea.
I do have something no one else will have in a day or so a never been done niche and will be one of the 1st and only beta testers, so hoping to save myself with that, waiting on my mate to get the go ahead, gotta get chopping tubes members area is up and visa came through yesterday
think tonight i can hit it!
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
I’m thinking that everyone is just tired of the same old shit on the news… and that’s having an effect on the general mood of the nation…
blah blah blah - god, don’t those guys every stop? - housing crisis, gas crisis, food crisis, travel industry crisis, melting planet crisis, flood crisis, California burning crisis, $ crisis, gas crisis - woops sorry, already mentioned that “crisis”…
how about stupid shit talking heads on the fucking boob tube crisis…
they need something to talk about to keep everyone’s attention!
a poll person from MSNBC for Christ’s sake actually called me recently… and put me through about 10 minutes of phone interview
wouldn’t accept the fact that I watch the McNeil News Hour on PBS - that wasn’t in their line up of multiple choice answers to their stupid questions
I just wish they’d cut to some good food fights or something! or better yet, show some clips from some of our fantastic videos… ! we put the best one up today that we’ve probably ever produced and traffic is big but… what’s up? I mean you’d think people would be lined up to get a membership with all our available content and most of the episodes are over 22-25 minutes - that’s a HUGE value - but I guess not huge enough to tip the scales when it comes to other expenses - at least for Americans
Europeans still have no problem spending though…
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
Europeans still have no problem spending though…[/QUOTE]
That’s not true :bang:
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
I think London pride too is about to happen, so thats another 500,000 people not on there pc’s etc - we too have been down last 4 days, today was normal.
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
Sales have been very strong for us this week. Tuesdays are usually our slowest day of the week but yesterday was way above average. And today is even better.
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
Bjorn, we experienced the same thing. I’m convinced there was a processing issue of some kind. Monday’s are usually pretty strong and we had both above average traffic and above average clicks out… conversions were just terrible.
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
but we have had an insane run on DVDs all of a sudden!
and thank god for “hard” sales… our distributor has been working some overtime and its paying off…
so why is that? people buying our DVDs again? hmmm… its probably because we’ve had them on special - that gives me an idea…
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
When you consider the relatively tiny number of people who go to Pride festivals compared to the number of men who are potential customers for gay porn (6 % of all males) I find it hard to believe that is a factor.
Re: Bad sales yeasterday?
The question is, is it really 500,000? Manchester Pride claims 250,000 watch the parade and there is extensive hard evidence that it is actually less than 50,000. So you have to take these figures with a big pinch of salt sometimes.
If 6% of the UK population is LGBT that is 3.6m people. Now what percentage of those do you think go to London Pride? Bearing in mind they are all ages and all over the country. You are suggesting that if the crowds are 500,000 that they are all potential porn buyers. I’m sure that is not the case. For a start half will be women. Also either a huge percentage who go are straight or the figure is exaggerated. Because I don’t believe that one seventh of all the LGBT people in the UK (500,000) go to London Pride.