i was reading about windows 7 here
they seem pretty happy with it - or maybe it’s just that after vista, anything will seem good. anyone here using it care to comment?
btw, here’s all gizmodo’s coverage on windows 7
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
I am using Windows 7 on one of the computers, but didn’t dare use it on the main one.
I have to say it runs very smoothly. I haven’t had any noticable issues. In fact, to date, it runs more stable than Vista on this particular machine.
I will quite happily be upgrading in August(?).
I’m most impressed with how quickly you can do things, dock windows, shake them to clear them out of the way and get them back just as quick. I also like the new Library feature.
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
I’m still on XP… let alone Windows 7 lol
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
Hehe, I don’t know how anybody can possibly look at a disgusting XP screen for hours a day. I absolutely hate it. Sure, it’s stable and works, but ewww.
I found a nice little place for Windows 7 testers…
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
what “disgusting XP screen”? you can change the appearance of XP - which i also still use - with a couple of clicks.
[quote=gaydemon_jr;34398]Hehe, I don’t know how anybody can possibly look at a disgusting XP screen for hours a day. I absolutely hate it. Sure, it’s stable and works, but ewww.
I found a nice little place for Windows 7 testers…
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
Hehe yeah, I know you can change it, but I’m seduced by all the swishyness that goes on in Vista and 7. Always been the same.
I’ve got XP on an older computer for things that require it. Like StatsRemote for instance. It’s not as bad as “disgusting” I’m just a drama queen. whistle
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
I agree that XP’s look was quite boring after awhile. I bought a program to “skin” it for different looks (before I upgraded to Vista).
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
hmmm… when i decide if i like an OS or not, i tend to be more concerned about things like “does it crash?” stability, speed, ease of navigation through my harddrive with no holdups, ease of using external storage and being able to use all the programs i’ve paid for come so far ahead of how it looks, it ain’t funny. eye candy like arrow doesn’t even come into it. i spend at least 10 hours a day on my computer using programs that cost thousands of dollars over the last 5 years - if everything works well, i’m happy.
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
True…the bottom line is stability and functionality of course! But…if you can have some style at the same time…well…that is even better.
I know that at Hotel 6 I get a bed and I can get a night’s sleep BUT I would much rather have the “eye candy” of the Hilton! Yes, I get the same results but with style.
Guess I am just a typical gay guy (thank god)! HEHE 
Re: anyone using windows 7 yet?
there ARE other differences between the hilton and motel 6. more comfortable beds, more features one would actually use including room service and you can have food and drinks in the room. also there’s a better tv, deeper bathtub, restaurant and bars inside the hotels, your car can be parked for you and you can get dry cleaning and shoes cleaned.
with vista, you got far less function but eye candy. with windows 7, you get most of the better parts of XP, but won’t be able to use most of your programs. XP is feature rich, so motel 6 isn’t XP - it’s like a stripped down version of something. you get the least and pay the least.
[quote=MiamiBoyz;34474]True…the bottom line is stability and functionality of course! But…if you can have some style at the same time…well…that is even better.
I know that at Hotel 6 I get a bed and I can get a night’s sleep BUT I would much rather have the “eye candy” of the Hilton! Yes, I get the same results but with style.
Guess I am just a typical gay guy (thank god)! HEHE 