ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

for those who can read dutch, here’s the original article,1

the rest of us will have to laugh as we read the babel fish translation:

AMSTERDAM - ING bank have cancelled all accounts of a large number of Dutch and foreign pornography Internet sites, which are already many years’ customer at the bank with immediate entrance. The financial institution is frightened for image damage, if be confessed that she has the sex industry as a customer.

According to involved Internet companies commit ING with cancelling the accounts a wanprestatie, because the pornography activities are total legal. They drag the bank thus for the judge.

Moreover ING on this point would conspire with other Dutch banks, since there other bank at present absolutely no to find is those aware accounts wants take over. For this reason a complaint has been also lodged at competition authority NMa. ING knew as from the first day that it twisted for adult entertainment. That was so far no problem, says to director Lennart Driehuis van Virtual access.

The company Uithoorn act as a virtual pay-desk for a lot of hundreds of pornography sites in and foreign country. Visitors of such Internet sites frequently pay with their creditcard. In sum it goes thereby payments of a lot of millions euro per month, which by Virtual Acces are settled and partly on the aware accounts of ING bank arrive.

The bank closed five years a special contract with the Uithoornse company for settling the payments, but this cooperation now suddenly has cancelled and the accounts concluded. In a letter ING write that the decision coincide with the nature of the activities of these relations.

According to director Driehuis is there in the Netherlands none alternative more to bank for pornography sites. With ABN AMRO we could cooperate also well, but since the adoption Fortis have been there another wind have continued to blow.

For the pornography industry sits swerve nothing differently than to foreign banks. And that is a strange matter, because we deserve completely legal our bread, sighs three house. ING do not want react.

Re: ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

I really can’t understand that: they have bomb producers and murderers as customers and they take care of porn?

Re: ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

that’s not verotel they’re talking about, is it? they’re the only dutch company acting as large a third party biller that i know of.

Re: ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

oooo… you got a point there! Could verotel be one of them!??

Re: ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

Here is a link to an english version of the article, with what seems to be a bit less information

Virtual Access seems to be the company named in the article.

From what I’ve been told in the past, Verotel has a few merchant accounts that cover their different tiers of services. New subscriptions are still coming in as usual for me today.

Neither the originator of my wires, nor the bank they’re drawn upon, are ING. So no direct link there. I’ll call Verotel tonight, get more details, and post what I find here :wink:

Re: ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

Same here, sales on verotel is fine and had a payout by bank transfer very recently as well. So hopefully it doesnt affect them at all.

[quote=Squirt;13284]Here is a link to an english version of the article, with what seems to be a bit less information

Virtual Access seems to be the company named in the article.

From what I’ve been told in the past, Verotel has a few merchant accounts that cover their different tiers of services. New subscriptions are still coming in as usual for me today.

Neither the originator of my wires, nor the bank they’re drawn upon, are ING. So no direct link there. I’ll call Verotel tonight, get more details, and post what I find here ;-)[/quote]

Re: ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

dont worry its not verotel…

Re: ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

No it’s not Verotel. They are located in Amsterdam.

Re: ANOTHER banking thread - ING cancelling porn accounts

Thanks to let us know :slight_smile: